Postdoctoral Research Associate
Applied Mathematics, PhD |
University of Missouri |
Mathematics (Magna Cumlaude), MA |
University of Missouri |
Mathematics with minor in Statistics (Magna Cumlaude), BS |
University of Missouri |
Work Experience
- Postdoctoral Associate in Mathematics at New York University Abu Dhabi,Full Research Appointment (2022-now)
- Instructor of Mathematics at University of Missouri, Columbia (2017-2022)
- Internal capillary-gravity solitary waves in two-layer rotational fluids with finite depth, (with
T Hsiao, K Chen) (in preparation).
- Asymptotic Stability of the Three-Dimensional Couette Flow for the Stokes-transport equation,(with
W Zhao, R Z Zhu),arxiv:2405.12173.
- Asymptotic Stability of the Two-Dimensional Couette Flow for the Stokes-transport equation,(with
W Zhao, R Z Zhu),arxiv:2405.12166.
- The transition to instability for stable shear flows in inviscid fluids, (with W Zhao, Journal of
Functional Analysis, to appear, arXiv:2303.15925.
- Existence and stability of interfacial capillary-gravity solitary waves with constant vorticity,
Indiana University Math J, to appear, arXiv:2208.08103.
- Large-amplitude solitary waves in two-layer density stratified water, SIAM J. Math. Anal.53-
4(2021),pp.4812-4864 Doi:10.1137/20M1383537, arXiv:2012.00142.
Teaching Experience
- Instructor for Math 4100/7100 Ordinary Differential Equations (Online), University of Missouri, Columbia (Summer & Fall-2021-Spring-2022).
- Instructor for Math 1700 Calculus II, University of Missouri, Columbia (Spring 2021).
- Instructor for Math 1700 Calculus II, University of Missouri, Columbia (Fall 2020).
- Instructor for Math 4100/7100 Ordinary Differential Equations, University of Missouri, Columbia (Summer 2020).
- Instructor for Math 1400 Calculus for Business and Social Science, University of Missouri, Columbia (2019-2020).
- Instructor for Math 1100 Finite Mathematics, University of Missouri, Columbia (Spring 2019).
- Instructor for Math 1300 College Algebra, University of Missouri, Columbia (Fall 2018).
- Teaching assistant for Math 4140 Linear Algebra (Matrix Theory), University of Missouri, Columbia (Spring 2018).
- Teaching assistant for Math 1160 Precalculus, University of Missouri, Columbia (Spring 2018).
- Teaching assistant for Math 1500 Calculus I, University of Missouri, Columbia (Fall 2018).
Completed Data Science and Machine Learning Projects
- INN HOTELS: Find which factors have a high influence on booking cancellations, build a predictive model that can predict which booking is going to be canceled in advance, and help in formulating profitable policies for cancellations and refunds.
- RECELL: Analyze the used devices dataset, build a model which will help develop a dynamic pricing strategy for used and refurbished devices, and identify factors that significantly influence the price.
- E-NEWS: Use statistical analysis, a/b testing, and visualization to decide whether the new landing page of an online news portal (E-news Express) is effective enough to gather new subscribers or not. The simulated dataset has certain important metrics such as converted status and time spent on the page that will help to conclude the effectiveness of the new landing page. Apart from that, the dependence of conversion on the preferred language is also analyzed.
- FOODHUB ORDER: The food aggregator company has stored the data of the different orders made by the registered customers in their online portal. We analyze the data to draw some actionable insights for the business by performing data analysis to find answers to these questions that will help the company to improve the business.
Academic Talks
- The 12th IMACS International Conference, University of Georgia, Athens. Topic: Large-amplitude solitary waves in two-layer density stratified water
- Differential Equations Seminar, University of Missouri, Columbia. Topic: Large-amplitude solitary waves in two-layer density stratified water
- KUMUNU-ISU Conference on PDE, Dynamical Systems, and Applications, University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Topic: Large-amplitude solitary waves in two-layer density stratified water.